Boltyn Lore - Flesh and Blood TCG

Boltyn Lore - Flesh and Blood TCG

Luke Saxby Luke Saxby
3 minute read

As nobility, Boltyn grew up in the Northern Realms. In his youth, he was inspired by his grandmother’s tales of Solana, the City of Light and Knowledge. Because of this, upon reaching maturity, he declined his inheritance as the next Baron of Redmoor, to make a pilgrimage to the city his grandmother spoke of so fondly.

It is within the gleaming marble walls of Solana that Boltyn found his calling. Inducted into the Hand of Sol, the militant arm of the Order of Light, Boltyn spent many years in gruelling training and performing, often, dangerous missions in the line of duty. Not all was hardship though, as it was during these years that Boltyn met, romanced, and married his wife, a cleric of the Light of Sol called Eirina. Their blissful union blessed the pair with a son, Aios, and for a few short years, all was good.

Tragedy struck however, whilst Boltyn patrolled the golden fields surrounding Solana, forces of the Shadows assaulted the city. Eirina perished valiantly defending the Solarium, the beating heart of Solana.

For a time, Boltyn grieved, unable to perform his duty as he wandered the city. Visiting an old friend who knew his pain, Boltyn learnt of a group who hunted the Shadows and those who hid within. His thoughts however, turned to Aios, having just lost his mother, could Boltyn take actions that could potentially leave his son an orphan?

Filled with doubt, Boltyn sought the words of the Magister, hoping their consul would quell his inner conflict. Overhearing scholars, upon entering the Library of Illumination, retelling legends of the Heralds. Glorious, ethereal guardians who guide all those who follow the path of Light, be they living or dead. Enthralled by these tales, Boltyn was taken by a powerful vision.

Bellona, the Wartune Herald, appeared before him. Her gaze sweeping across the land, seeing it turn to ash and dust in the wake of the Shadow’s advance. As darkness crossed the land, she raised her flaming sword, summoning the Light of the sun. The light revealed a small figure, sheltered with Bellona’s wings, Aios smiling brightly in the Light of Sol. For a moment, Boltyn could have sworn he heard Eirina’s whispered voice reach his ears, and see the healing hand, stretched out, ready to help those in need.

In an instant, Boltyn remembered what he was fighting for, and the grim fate that awaited the lands of Rathe should the Light fall. With Ballona’s blessing quelling his heavy heart, Boltyn was ready, once again, to walk his chosen path. No matter the cost, no matter what stood before him, he would uphold the Light.

For it is said, with light in his heart and sword in his hand, Boltyn will carve the corruption from this land.

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