Space is vast, dark, and not your friend. Gamma rays and neutrino bursts erupt from dying stars to cook you alive, black holes tear you apart, and the void itself boils your blood and seizes your brain. Try to scream and no one can hear you hold your breath and you rupture your lungs. Space isn’t as empty as you’d think, either its frontiers are ever expanding. Rival governments wage a cold war of aggression while greedy corporations vie for valuable resources. Colonists reach for the stars and gamble with their lives each new world tamed is either feast or famine. And there are things lurking in the shadows of every asteroid things strange and different and deadly.
Things alien.
This is the official ALIEN tabletop roleplaying game a universe of body horror and corporate brinkmanship, where synthetic people play god while space truckers and marines serve host to newborn ghoulish creatures. It’s a harsh and unforgiving universe and you are nothing if not expendable.
Stay alive if you can.
A top quality, deluxe Game Mother's Screen in landscape format for the ALIEN roleplaying game. It features Martin Grip’s awesome art on the outside and a host of useful tables and important information on the inside while keeping the GM’s plans hidden from the eyes of inquisitive players.
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