Battle Spirits Saga: Strangers in the Sky (BSS05) Booster Box


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A New Chapter Begins: Inverted World Chronicle! First appearance of double colour cards and new keyword effect Astral!


"Enormous" failed to describe the true scale of the lone snake that ended the Late Empire Era, and when it came crashing down, the terrific impact literally shook the world.
—Imperial Chronicle Year 555, Page 3

The first appearance of double colour cards!

BSS05 marks the introduction of double colour cards! In this set, there are spirit, magic, and nexus cards of six colour combinations:
red/purple, purple/yellow, yellow/white, white/green, green/blue, and blue/red.
Many of the double color cards feature a new keyword effect, Chain,
making it easy to construct multicolor decks and unlocking a brand-new way of fighting!

New keyword effect Astral!

The Astral power of messengers in the Inverted World Chronicle story also appears in game!
Astral is a powerful ability that prevents a spirit from being blocked by spirits that don’t also possess Astral.
The tactics of attacking and defending life are about to get more heated with the introduction of Astral spirits!

Anniversary Rares celebrating 1 year of BSS!
BSS05 includes a special rarity of card called Anniversary Rare to celebrate the one-year anniversary of BSS!
Nexus cards in this set feature card art of popular spirits!
The box topper is also a one-card promo pack with an Anniversary Rare card!