Shade paints are formulated to bring out details with natural-looking depth and shadow. These paints settle into the crevices of your models, leaving very little pigment on raised areas. This makes your miniatures look more realistic with smooth transitions into darker shadows while providing a very subtle surface tint and a clean matte finish.
This set gathers nine of the most frequently used Shade colours together in one convenient selection. You’ll find paints suited to adding natural shading to primary colours, browns, skin tones, bone, metals, and white – all carefully chosen to help bring out the details in the most common colours. Plus, you’ll save money over buying each pot individually.
Combine this set with the Contrast, Base, and Layer paint sets – each sold separately – for an excellent start to your Citadel Colour selection.
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£19.99 | £24.99
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£19.99 | £24.99
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£19.99 | £24.99
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