Voiceless Voice Deck Guide - Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG

Voiceless Voice Deck Guide - Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG

Jordan-Lee Seal Jordan-Lee Seal
10 minute read

Good day, my friends! If you’ve been keeping your ears to the ground and looking out for the next great deck to change up the meta, well, you might have heard of a little archetype called Voiceless Voice. As you know, new set drops mean new ways of breaking the meta. So, how do the Voiceless Angels stack up against the competition?

In this guide, I’ll explain what makes this deck so good and why you should play it! So why don’t you trust the angels and let them lead the way to the gates of victory?

In the competitive scene, this holy deck of cards has been pushing its way into tournaments with a pick rate of 11% throughout the last few months in the OCG, especially in the China City Tour, with over 157 Duelists using these righteous beasts. It’s good to see more variety coming into the meta, but the game can be volatile, so who knows what's in store for the future.

Key Monsters and Utility: Onward the Hallowed Path

To start your deck building adventure, you are first going to have to get your hands on some Phantom Nightmare booster packs which you can find in store today! You might have to look around the web from some trusted sources to snag those real hard to find cards, such as Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice, as it’s a core piece to this deck. Be sure to look out for the new booster set Legacy of Destruction which also features some key cards for Voiceless Voice that will be sure to shine a ray of joy on your day.

The heart of the “Voiceless Voice” deck lies in the fact that you can perform multiple Ritual Summons in one turn. At the centre of it all are Skull Guardian, Protector of the Voiceless Voice and Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice, which work in perfect synergy to deal out some righteous retribution.

Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice

Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice

Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice

First on the list for these holy cards is Lo. As the main combo starter, you are going to want this card in your hand as early as possible since this monster is the key to controlling the field, ritual summoning monsters with ease, and playing continuous Voiceless Voice cards from the deck.

Saffira, Dragon Queen of the Voiceless Voice

Saffira, Dragon Queen of the Voiceless Voice

Saffira, Dragon Queen of the Voiceless Voice

This monster is quite interesting with it having multiple uses, with its main one being a surrogate ritual spell for continuing the insane amount of ritual summoning this deck can do.

Sauravis, Dragon Sage of the Voiceless Voice

Sauravis, Dragon Sage of the Voiceless Voice

Sauravis, Dragon Sage of the Voiceless Voice

This is a neat little card that is a good addition to the deck but not needed as much as the other monsters. But when you're in a pinch, and this is the only thing you pulled, you can still make some magic with its effect to special summon itself by sending 2 spell cards to the graveyard.

Skull Guardian, Protector of the Voiceless Voice

Skull Guardian, Protector of the Voiceless Voice

Skull Guardian, Protector of the Voiceless Voice

Now, this is what I call old school. This badass is basically Skull Guardian's bigger, cooler older brother that fits perfectly into the mix! This bad boy can double its attack whenever Lo is on the field or is in the graveyard, plus if you control Lo while this card is on the field, it can negate any card activation for as long as Lo lives.

Barrier of the Voiceless Voice

Barrier of the Voiceless Voice

Barrier of the Voiceless Voice

This continuous spell goes hand in hand with Lo, as this will be the first spell you bring out using Lo's effect. Essentially, this little spell can protect your LIGHT monsters from card effects and redirect attacks to ritual monsters as long as you have Lo on the field.

Radiance of the Voiceless Voice

Radiance of the Voiceless Voice

Radiance of the Voiceless Voice

This is a pretty strong card if you can get the ability off with it being a continuous trap. This card allows you to shuffle out ritual monsters or spells from your hand or GY for the chance to special summon or add a “Voiceless Voice” monster to the hand. A little extra is that if you're able to mass-produce monsters onto your field, you can sacrifice this card to wipe out as many monsters your opponents own up to the amount you control.

Deck List

Now that we've reviewed most of the key cards, it’s time to build the deck and ensure it packs a divine punch for your next duel!

I will say that deck expression is always king, so even if you're not too keen on my creation, make sure to go in depth yourself and figure it out.

Main Deck Monsters

Main Deck Spells/Traps

For the Spell and Trap cards, your main goal is to put in some real heavy-hitting control cards that keep the flow of battle on your side, especially using Super Polymerization to scoop up your opponent's field for your own. But I will say the deck works fine enough if you can’t fork out for some of these cards, so don’t you worry.

Extra Deck

Optional Upgrades 

Even if this deck can kick some serious behind, it’s always nice to have options, so here are some of my top picks to have if you need to swap out some cards on the fly mid set!

Legacy of Destruction Support

Two new cards are coming in hot off the press, and they are sure to lighten up your deck. The first is the ferocious Saffira, Divine Dragon of the Voiceless Voice, which can be summoned using Blessing of the Voiceless Voice. When your ritual monsters (Warrior or Dragon) are targeted for an attack, your enemy has to make a choice of whether they want to lose a card to from hand to be able to attack you.

The second and last card is Blessing of the Voiceless Voice which was just mentioned just before. Its little quirk is that when you play this continuous spell, you can bring back any of your Voiceless Voice cards from the graveyard or banished zone. Not only that, but whenever you summon a monster to the field, you're able to burst open the gates to ritual summon a monster straight after, with the added bonus of that said monster being impervious to being destroyed, but sadly you can still get hit and take a chunk out of your life points so be careful.

Combo Guide

Now that you’ve got your deck all raring to go, it’s time to learn the essential combo that will set your board up for the win. It all starts with Lo, Prayers of the Voiceless Voice because, of course, it does silly.

  1. Normal Summon Lo, Prayers of the Voiceless Voice.
  2. Use Lo, Prayers of the Voiceless Voice's effect to bring out Barrier of the Voiceless Voice.
  3. Activate Barrier of the Voiceless Voice's effect to add Saffira, Dragon Queen of the Voiceless Voice to the hand.
  4. Discard Saffira, Dragon Queen of the Voiceless Voice, with its own effect to send one ritual spell to the deck (I would send Prayers of the Voiceless Voice) to add Skull Guardian, Protector of the Voiceless Voice to the hand. 
  5. Use Saffira, Dragon Queen of the Voiceless Voice's effect to banish it from the graveyard to ritual summon Skull Guardian, Protector of the Voiceless Voice by using Lo, Prayers of the Voiceless Voice as the whole tribute.
  6. Once Skull Guardian, Protector of the Voiceless Voice is activated, you can activate its effect to add one Voiceless Voice Monster or Ritual Monster to the hand. We will choose Sauravis, Dragon Sage of the Voiceless Voice since its effect allows us to block any card effects that would target our monsters.
  7. Since Lo, Prayers of the Voiceless Voice was in the graveyard by the time Skull Guardian, Protector of the Voiceless Voice was summoned, you can summon back Lo, Prayers of the Voiceless Voice to the field. 
  8. Now Lo, Prayers of the Voiceless Voice is on the field, Skull Guardian, Protector of the Voiceless Voice gains double its attack, meaning it has 4100 ATK. Not only that but because of Barrier of the Voiceless Voice, your opponent can only attack your ritual monsters now.
  9. Finally, if your opponent can break down your defences and whisk one of your monsters away via card effect, you can always rely on Prayers of the Voiceless Voice since it allows you to ritual summon Sauravis, Dragon Sage of the Voiceless Voice for free from your hand.

It’s crazy how all this madness can happen with just one card in your hand. Now, think about the possibilities of having a full deck of cards at your disposal to wreak havoc!

Final Thoughts

I’m glad I enjoyed going through what makes this deck so great. Yubel and Voiceless Voice are some great contenders that came out of the last major booster set, and seeing that their play rates are up there with Fire Kings is quite a sight. But be prepared for something mighty lurking in the dark, for Tenpai is waiting in the midst of the Legacy of Destruction booster box!

So gather your forces at Gathering Games, your go-to shop for all things Yu-Gi-Oh! Whether you're looking to crack some Phantom Nightmare for the powerful Skull Guardian, Protector of the Voiceless Voice, the essential Lo, Prayers of the Voiceless Voice, or any of the supporting Spells and Traps, Gathering Games has you covered. But remember folks, to always try your best and to get your game on!

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