What’s the best Pokémon TCG gift this Christmas?

What’s the best Pokémon TCG gift this Christmas?

Nick Witts Nick Witts
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Christmas looms large, just a little over a week away, meaning it’s time to purchase that last-minute present that'll delight a Delibird…and your loved ones who play the Pokémon TCG.

But we understand that the Pokémon TCG is a whole new world – literally – with its breadth of sets, tins, boosters and blisters. That’s why at Gathering Games we’re helping you by collating a list that’ll ensure you find everything from the perfect stocking filler to that cracker of a Christmas gift.

For the competitive player

Pokémon TCG: Miraidon ex League Battle Deck

The Miraidon ex League Battle Deck is a solid start for those looking to stay up to date with changes to the TCG meta landscape.

The battle deck contains: 

  • A ready-to-play 60-card deck
  • Six damage-counter dice
  • A coin-flip die
  • Two coin condition markers
  • A deck box
  • An accessory box
  • A strategy sheet
  • A code card to play this deck online.

Its feature cards, Regieleki VMAX and Miraidon ex, allow you to shock opponents with attacks by quickly filling your bench with basic Pokémon using Miraidon ex’s Tandem Unit ability. Regieleki VMAX’s ability Transistor then boosts their attacks helping you to deal extra damage with your basic Pokémon. 

Some solid trainer cards, such as Electric Generator and Forest Seal, can be introduced to give this deck a real buzz. 

Beyond the fundamentals of this ready-to-play deck, there’s a lot to experiment with. The options of adding Raikou V, Mew ex, Squawkabilly ex, and the dangerous Iron Hands ex give this deck the option of variety and different plays. 

Pokemon TCG: Miraidon ex League Battle Deck

Pokemon TCG: Miraidon ex League Battle Deck

£26.75 £29.99

Description Get charged up with two Legendary Lightning-Type Pokémon, Miraidon ex & Regieleki VMAX! Contents In each box, you’ll find: 1 ready-to-play 60-card deck 6 damage-counter dice 1 coin-flip die 2 coin condition markers 1 deck box 1 accessory box… read more

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For the beginner player

Pokémon TCG - Sword & Shield 12.5: Crown Zenith - Morpeko V-UNION Premium Playmat Collection

For those looking to get into competitive TCG play, the Morpeko V-UNION Premium Playmat Collection offers a fun introduction.

In the collection, you get:

  • Five Pokémon TCG: Crown Zenith booster packs
  • Four Morpeko V-UNION cards
  • An oversized Morpeko V-UNION card
  • A card featuring Professor Burnet
  • A playmat.

With Burst Wheel, Morpeko V-UNION can be the hard-hitting star of this deck once set up. By combining the card with Flaffy and its Dynamotor ability, you'll be able to attach a lightning energy card from your discard pile to one of your benched Pokémon each turn, fine-tuning your approach to takedown multiple of your opponents cards. 

Beyond the Morpeko V-UNION, the Crown Zenith booster packs contain some competitively viable pulls, such as the stunning Arceus VSTAR with its Trinity Nova attack, and the Origin Forme legends of Dialga and Palkia.

Pokemon TCG - Sword & Shield 12.5: Crown Zenith - Morpeko V-UNION Premium Playmat Collection

Pokemon TCG - Sword & Shield 12.5: Crown Zenith - Morpeko V-UNION Premium Playmat Collection

£28.75 £39.99

Description Expand your Pokémon TCG collection with Morpeko V-UNION and battle in style with a brand-new playmat! In this Pokémon TCG: Crown Zenith Premium Playmat Collection, you’ll find: 5 Pokémon TCG: Crown Zenith booster packs 4 Morpeko V-UNION cards 1 card featuring Professor… read more

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For the ultimate collector

Pokémon TCG Classic

This showstopper is the Pokémon TCG Classic – the ultimate throwback to 90s Pokémon card collections with reprints of well-loved, well-known icons from Base Set, Jungle Fossil, and others.

It includes: 

  • Three 60-card decks starring Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise
  • Three deck boxes
  • Three sets of card sleeves
  • A two-player game board
  • A toolbox case with randomiser
  • Two sets of damage counter cones
  • Two sets of condition markers.

One interesting card from the original 151 in this set is a classic Mr. Mime featuring artwork from the TCG’s first illustration contest in 1997, only previously released in Japan in the Vending Machine sets from 1998. 

Alongside the instantly-recognisable originals from the first generation, this set also introduces new release cards from Johnto, such as Ho-Oh ex, Lugia ex and Suicune ex, adding to its true collector feel. 

Every card in the 60-card decks will be a ‘glittery’, holographic foil, while the likes of Ho-Oh, Lugia and Suicune will be printed on their normal, but nonetheless brilliant, holofoil. They are tailor-made to be shown off in those sleeves…

Recognising the vintage nature of the set and its value to collectors, Pokémon Company President Tsunekazu Ishihara called it “a premium Pokémon TCG set that will last a lifetime.” While the cards in the TCG Classic set won’t be tournament-legal – barring the basic energy cards – they are a must-not-miss for any long-standing collectors.

Pokemon TCG Classic

Pokemon TCG Classic

£219.99 £399.99

Description Experience the timeless joy of the Pokémon TCG with Pokémon Trading Card Game Classic—a product designed for fans to enjoy friendly battles anytime and anywhere! Pokémon Trading Card Game Classic features a foldable, portable two-player game board complete with… read more

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For those looking to build out their collection

Pokémon TCG - Sword & Shield 12: Silver Tempest - Booster Box

A funky set with gorgeous full-arts that gives a nod to many of Pokémon’s best loved regions, the Silver Tempest Booster Box is a great way for a collector to build out their set with cards that showcase the breadth of Pokémon’s illustrator brilliance.

Among the standout Pokémon from Silver Test is Lugia in its various forms – gold rare Lugia VSTAR, rainbow rare Lugia VSTAR, and alt art Lugia V. The latter, the most sought after of the set with its dreary, ocean backdrop, truly makes Lugia V feel like the god of the seas. 

Though there’s far more to watch out for with holo rare prints of the Forest Seal Stone, and the ultra rare Friends in Galar both making nice collectibles. The set also boasts several Rapid Strike cards that give reference to Urshifu from Pokémon Sword & Shield, such as the loveable Zeraora V.

If the pulls in this set doesn’t contain quite what you’re after, there’s more to explore with the Paradox Rift Booster Box, with its gallery of special illustration rares from Paldea and beyond. It’s hard not to love the full art, clay-style Aipom, designed by Yuka Morii. 

Pokemon TCG - Sword & Shield 12: Silver Tempest - Booster Box

Pokemon TCG - Sword & Shield 12: Silver Tempest - Booster Box


Description Argent Adventure & Dazzling Discovery! An ominous rumble echoes in the distance, and Lugia VSTAR emerges from the ocean's depths to answer its call! Uncharted territory lies waiting to be explored alongside Alolan Vulpix VSTAR, while Serperior, Unown, and… read more

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For the beginner collector

Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet 4 - Paradox Rift Elite Trainer Box - Iron Valiant

Containing the fundamental foundations for starting out as a Pokémon TCG collector, the Paradox Rift Elite Trainer Box featuring Iron Valiant introduces an array of cards with brilliant artwork.

This trainer box includes:

  • 11 Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet - Paradox Rift booster pack
  • One full-art foil promo card featuring a future Pokémon
  • One full-art foil promo card featuring a future Pokémon with a Pokémon Center logo
  • 65 card sleeves featuring Iron Valiant
  • 45 Pokémon TCG energy cards
  • A player’s guide to the Scarlet & Violet - Paradox Rift expansion 
  • Six damage-counter dice
  • A competition-legal coin-flip die
  • Two plastic condition markers
  • A box to hold everything. 

Among the sought-after, full-art cards hiding in these packs are Steelix, Groudon, Yveltal, Cyclizar and more. And that’s before you delve into any of the ex pulls and competitive trainer cards. The cards in this set can be used to create some really popular decks, centred around Padela’s paradox Pokémon, with fast aggressive tactics. 

For example, Roaring Moon ex can be combined with the ​​supporter cards, Professor Sada's Vitality, and Ancient Booster Energy Capsule, which makes things difficult for your opponent, to deal out some true hail-mary damage. Frenzied Gouging can knock out any active Pokémon (while doing 200 damage to itself), and Calamity Storm deals a clean 220 damage as long as there is a Stadium in play. Not one to baulk at when set up with the correct trainer and support cards. 

Pokemon TCG: Scarlet & Violet 4 - Paradox Rift Elite Trainer Box - Iron Valiant

Pokemon TCG: Scarlet & Violet 4 - Paradox Rift Elite Trainer Box - Iron Valiant

£47.95 £49.99

Description Uncover the Anomalies of Area Zero! Dive into the clouds and explore a land that appears to be unbound by time! With ferocious attacks, Ancient Pokémon like Roaring Moon ex and Sandy Shocks ex appear alongside artificial Future Pokémon… read more

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For a gift to go under the tree

Pokémon TCG: VMAX Dragons Premium Collection - Rayquaza/Duraludon

Previously a Target exclusive in the US, the VMAX Dragons Premium Collection set has finally made it across the pond, bringing some of Sword and Shield’s competitively viable cards to the UK Pokemon Trading Cards scene. 

From collection to competition, it has a bit of everything, with Rayquaza VMAX and Duraludon VMAX featuring as the poster cards. Along with their V versions, this gives you a total of four ready-to-play, non-promo foil cards. This is a chance to tame the same rare cards that could be cracked from the boosters of Evolving Skies. 

The collection contains:

  • Two etched foil cards featuring Rayquaza VMAX and Duraludon VMAX
  • Two foil cards featuring Rayquaza V and Duraludon V
  • Two foil oversize cards featuring Rayquaza VMAX and Duraludon VMAX
  • 11 Pokémon TCG booster packs
  • A code card for Pokémon TCG Live.

Competitively, the heavy hitting standouts can be complemented with Flaffy providing a spark in support and Kricketune V acting as a pivot Pokémon. Do this correctly and you can watch your VMAX dragons match up against your opponents picks and down them with big attacks. 

Decks like Leafeon VMAX and Eternatus VMAX are all good matchups for Rayquaza VMAX. Duraludon VMAX offers a different approach, walling its Skyscraper ability. Pairing it with Zacian V from Sword and Shield to draw cards with Intrepid Sword gives you a solid strategy to power up that giant dragon of yours.

Pokemon TCG: VMAX Dragons Premium Collection - Rayquaza/Duraludon

Pokemon TCG: VMAX Dragons Premium Collection - Rayquaza/Duraludon

£49.75 £57.99

Description Tear Down Opponents with VMAX Dragons! A pair of thundering roars pierce the air as Rayquaza VMAX and Duraludon VMAX show off the might and power of Dragon-type Pokémon! With this power-packed set, you can add both of these… read more

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For a stocking filler

Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet 4 - Paradox Rift 6 x Booster Packs

The future and the past can be packaged up as a present with the Paradox Rift booster packs bringing standout Paldean Pokémon with some truly competitive pulls. 

The six booster packs each contain ten cards and one basic energy card.

Alongside the powerful paradox Pokémon, you also have the likes of Gholdengo ex, which can deal serious damage with its Coin Bonus ability and Make it Rain, an attack that deals huge hits with energy card attachments. A quirky one to build a deck around. 

Beyond the Paldean pulls, Gathering Games offers booster packs from across several different sets including Obsidian Flames and its terastallized Tera types, Lost Origin and its fanciful full arts, and Fusion Strike with its legendary V releases. 

For those who love shiny gifts

Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet 4.5 - Paldean Fates Elite Trainer Box

Set to release on 26 January 2024, this sparkling expansion of the Scarlet & Violet releases will introduce the opportunity to pull even more shiny Pokémon. First revealed at the end of ‘Pokéca All Star Battle 2023 – Get the Gold’, a special TCG tournament held to celebrate the 27th anniversary of the Pokémon TCG, this upcoming Paldean Fates Elite Trainer Box is all about them shiny finds.

This trainer box will include:

  • Nine Pokémon TCG Scarlet & Violet-Paldean Fates booster packs
  • A foil promo card featuring rare, full-art shiny Mimikyu
  • 65 card sleeves featuring shiny Mimikyu
  • 45 Pokémon TCG energy cards
  • A player's guide to the Scarlet & Violet-Paldean Fates expansion
  • Six damage-counter dice
  • A competition-legal coin-flip die
  • Two plastic condition markers
  • A collector's box to hold everything and keep your cards organised. 

The promo cards featuring a shiny terastallized Charizard ex among a cast of shiny Paldea favourites tease what will be coming in this unique, starry release. But the set goes far, far deeper. 

Paldean Fates will introduce 11 shiny Pokémon ex, seven Pokémon ex, three Tera Pokémon ex, three illustration rare cards featuring shiny Pokémon, eight special illustration rare cards featuring shiny Pokémon ex or Supporter cards, and six hyper rare Pokémon ex. 

Get ready for those elusive colourways – blue Mew, golden Greavard, pink special illustration Pawmi, and more. And for the distinguished collector, you’ll want to seek out the hyper rare gold cards with their ‘new and unique raised foil effect’, such as Koraidon ex, Miraidon ex, Wo-Chien ex, and others.

Pokemon TCG: Scarlet & Violet 4.5 - Paldean Fates Elite Trainer Box

Pokemon TCG: Scarlet & Violet 4.5 - Paldean Fates Elite Trainer Box


Description Includes nine Scarlet & Violet—Paldean Fates booster packs, one Shiny illustration rare promo card featuring Mimikyu and various gameplay accessories. Contents The Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet-Paldean Fates Elite Trainer Box includes: 9 Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet-Paldean Fates… read more

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For those thinking beyond the big day

For more of a throwback to the early years, the Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet 3.5 - 151 Ultra Premium Collection shows off Kanto’s classics in their natural environments with glorious full arts, and notalgia-stirring reworks.

Think Charmeleon peering down into a cavern, Poliwhirl peering into a puddle, and the legendary birds taking to the sky together in a single card. Some real gems here from Mitsuhiro Arita.

There have also been some interesting combinations thrown up by the 151 release, such as Arbok ex with Menacing Fangs, Judge and Path to the Peak, forcing the opponent to discard cards from their hands while doing weighty damage. Certainly one not to miss.

Pokemon TCG: Scarlet & Violet 3.5 - 151 Ultra Premium Collection

Pokemon TCG: Scarlet & Violet 3.5 - 151 Ultra Premium Collection


Description Mew is a mysterious and elusive Pokémon that holds many secrets of the Pokémon world. It is very rare to encounter it, but you have a chance to add it to your own Pokédex with this amazing bundle of… read more

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Time to pack those Pokémon presents…

From sets with Paldean hyper rare golds to 90s throwbacks with first-generation favourites, the Pokémon TCG is stacked with options that are guaranteed to leave your loved-ones smiling this Christmas. 

Expansive and detailed, you now have a last-minute list to explore this wonderful world with Gathering Games and find the best Pokémon item to gift this Christmas. Get those cards under the tree ready in time!

Check out the full collection of Pokémon Trading Cards

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